For those of you that call me "Martha", here is why I should be "de-throned."
I SUCK! To all of the thoughtful people who sent me a lovely Christmas card, thank you, and I apologize for not sending one in return. I meant to do it, really I did. I mean to do it every year. It still hasn't happened. So to all those that I know are just as stressed as I am, and still manage to send lovelies, I hate you, wait, I mean I LOVE YOU ALL! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! This includes everyone who dropped off all the great Christmas goodies at our door. I suck even more! Please don't think I don't appreciate you, because I do! I feel awful for not scheduling the time in my Christmas season to bake yummies and drop them at your door. So in place of avoiding you at every cost, and looking away in humility so our eyes don't meet, I offer this sincere apology. Especially to Sue, who was so sweet to get me a great little crock-pot. When I called from the door, "another freaking crock-pot!" a few minutes later I thought, that came out wrong. I meant it to sound like, "Yay!!! Another great crock-pot!" You see, after our fun little night, I went and got another one too! And a few hours later, your gracious gift arrived at my door! I really do appreciate it, and one can never have too many little crock-pots! A sincere thank-you for crock-pot #7. (2 large, 4 small and 1 mini. I am planning a crock-pot party for sometime in January, so everyone get your recipes ready!) (how many times can I say "crock-pot" in one post?)
Another reason I suck. I have been forgetting my laundry lately. I wash it, and forget it's there, so I have to wash it again to get out the "sour" before I dry it. I have washed the bathroom rugs 4 times now, which is why, Sue, when you were here for dinner, I had no bathroom rugs. I must look like a hillbilly. I didn't even realize it until I opened the washer the next morning and found them there souring, and washed them, again. Crap. I just remembered I washed the dish towels yesterday, and they are still in the washer.
So there you have it. I'm selfish and forgetful. I don't deserve the title. And my Christmas decorations will probably be up until Valentine's Day.
5 years ago