"Our Forever Family"

"Our Forever Family"
Disneyland 2014

Matt & I (Jenice) have been married since August 2001. We currently live in San Tan Valley (Queen Creek), AZ, with our 3 kiddos.

Matt is still working for Southwest Ambulance. He's in Queen Creek it's nice to have him close! He's also enrolled in Nursing school and it keeps him very busy.

I am happy being a stay at home mommy! I'm in the Relief Society Presidency, and shuttle my kids to and from various activities. I also run a bead business out of the house, and am a licensed Realtor.

Amberlyn is now 11. She likes her dance classes, and loves playing with her friends. She loves her 6th grade class! Denver, 8, is a 4th grader! He likes video games and playing with his friends too. Baby Hudson is already 3! He's a super smiley and happy addition to our family. He loves Preschool and Mickey Mouse. He is just like Denver was, he'll do anything for a laugh!

That's our family! We'll keep you updated on our lives!

August 11, 2008

She loves me, She loves me not!

So, when Nicole & Logan were visiting, Nicole stopped by one evening for a night of girl talk & games. Grampa came later to pick her up that night, and as Aunt Nicole and Grampa were leaving, Amberlyn said she needed to tell them a secret in their ear. Grampa leaned over and Amberlyn whispered, "pspswshwspsps" and said "Don't tell anyone your secret!" Aunt Nicole was next and got the same "pspswshwspsps" followed with the promise to not tell anyone her secret. I was next in line. I leaned over and got the same "pspswshwspsps" and the same promise. I then told Amberlyn that I needed to tell her a secret. I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I love you!" She got a very cute happy look on her face. She said she needed to tell me another secret. I leaned over, ready for her to proclaim her love for me. Then she whispers in my ear, "I love my Dad!"

1 comment:

Mortensen Family said...

Haha! That is so funny! Hi Jenice! I just found your blog. Stop by mine and say hello when you have a minute! Your kids are getting so big! Last time I saw you, I think you were days from delivering Denver! Crazy how time flies! Well, I will talk to you soon! -Fawn-

(Well, not yet. But I'm working on it!)